I'm new to LS and am confused as to the proper approach to subscribe to multiple items with different fields using the iOS client API.
Right now I am able to subscribe to multiple items with identical fields, using the following syntax:
- (void)connectToLightstreamer {
client = [LSClient client];
LSConnectionInfo *connectionInfo = [LSConnectionInfo connectionInfoWithPushServerURL:LS_SERVER_URL pushServerControlURL:nil user:LS_API_KEY password:nil adapter:LS_ADAPTER];
[client openConnectionWithInfo:connectionInfo delegate:self];
- (void) clientConnection :Smile_Ac: LSClient *)client didStartSessionWithPolling :Smile_Ac: BOOL)polling {
if (!tableKey)
[self performSelector:@selector(subscribeItems) withObject:nil afterDelay:0.1];
- (void)subscribeItems {
@try {
NSArray *itemNames = [MyObjectClass itemList];
NSArray *fieldNames = [MyObjectClass fieldList];
LSExtendedTableInfo *tableInfo = [LSExtendedTableInfo extendedTableInfoWithItems:itemNames mode:LSModeMerge fields:fieldNames dataAdapter:@"TEST" snapshot:YES];
tableInfo.requestedMaxFrequency = 0.05;
tableKey = [client subscribeTableWithExtendedInfo:tableInfo delegate:self useCommandLogic:NO];
NSLog(@"Table subscribed");
} @catch (NSException *e) {
NSLog(@"Table subscription failed due to exception: %@", e);
This works fine. But what I don't understand is what the syntax would be for subscribing to additional items that have a schema (in the general sense, not the LS sense) that is different from the items in itemList above. I suppose I could just add different item types to itemNames and additional field names to fieldNames, but I feel like that could result in namespace collision or other problems if I had two different item types that happened to share a field name.
Can you clarify the proper practice for the case of subscribing to different types of items?