mibrahim.youxel Can anybody send me any sample code for subscribing to lightstreamer with LSCommand mode Thank You.
Dario Crivelli I confirm that we don't provide such sample. Examples of the use of COMMAND mode on the client side are only available for other libraries; I refer, for instance, to the Basic Portfolio Demo and the Full Portfolio Demo, in pages\demos\PortfolioDemo_Basicand pages\demos\PortfolioDemo respectively. In libraries more similar to the iOS case, there are just code samples which show the use of the APIs in the COMMAND mode case; see, for instance, DOCS-SDKs\sdk_client_dotnet\examples\test\TestClient.cs and look for "command". Do you have doubts on specific aspects?
gianluca.bertani Hello, a sample subscription would be something like this: LSExtendedTableInfo *tableInfo= [LSExtendedTableInfo extendedTableInfoWithItems :Smile_Ah: NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"portfolio1", nil] mode:LSModeCommand fields :Smile_Ah: NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"command", @"key", @"qty", nil] dataAdapter:@"PORTFOLIO_ADAPTER" snapshot:YES]; LSSubscribedTableKey *tableKey= [_client subscribeTableWithExtendedInfo:tableInfo delegate:self useCommandLogic:YES]; If you have specific doubts don't hesitate to ask. Best regards, Gianluca
mibrahim.youxel Thank you @DarioCrivelli. @gianluce.bertani I want a sample code when server push updates in didUpdateWithInfo (delegate method). Thank You
gianluca.bertani As my colleague Dario said before, we don't have a full example for command logic in Objective-C. On the didUpdateWithInfo event you should take the command, key and any other relevant data and apply them to your local copy of current data. E.g.: // Take command and data from update NSString *command= [updateInfo currentValueOfFieldName:@"command"]; NSString *key= [updateInfo currentValueOfFieldName:@"key"]; NSString *qty= [updateInfo currentValueOfFieldName:@"qty"]; if ([command isEqualToString:@"UPDATE"]) { // Update qty on item <key> } else if ([command isEqualToString:@"ADD"]) { // Add new item <key> and set qty } else if ([command isEqualToString:@"DELETE"]) { // Remove item <key> } // Update visuals Hope this helps. Best regards, Gianluca