I started LS as an application. I can't see the ports 6661,6662 and 6663 open through netstat command. I also cannot hook to those ports from my .NET adapter. What am I doing wrong?
Dario Crivelli
The Proxy Adapter waits for the connections by the Remote Adapter in sequence. Therefore, the ports are not open for listening all at the same time:
the 6663 port is opened for listening first;
after the Remote Metadata Adapter has connected, it is closed for listening;
then the 6661 and 6662 ports are opened for listening;
after the Remote Data Adapter has connected, they are closed for listening.
Until a port is open for listening, the Server is blocked and the last line on the log says:
Is what you observe still different?
Hello Dario,
Thanks for the response. I figured out the issue. It seems like the client side did not like when I asked it to connect to "" address ( I am hosting LS server locally on my machine). When I changed it to "localhost" everything was OK. Wierd...
Dario Crivelli
We could not replicate the issue, so we assume there were something unusual in your local configuration. Please, let us know if you feel that this is not the case.