To install a commercial license of Lightstreamer Server, we need to bind the license key to one of the MAC addresses of the machine (irrespective of the network adapter that will be actually used).
To find out a MAC address of your machine, follow the steps below.
Windows Platform
- Click on START, and then click on RUN.
- The RUN dialogue box will appear. Type CMD and press ENTER.
- A DOS window will appear. This is also commonly called a Command Prompt.
- Now type IPCONFIG /ALL at the command prompt and hit ENTER. This window will now display the configuration of all of your network adapters. If you have multiple network adapters in your computeryou'll see multiple addresses.
- Now look for the Physical Address of any of the network adapters. It should look something like 00-35-CE-F5-AB-56 .
Linux/UNIX Platform
- Obtain a command shell. This will vary greatly by implementation. If you are using a graphical environment such as KDE or GNOME, then look in the dock, taskbar, or program menus for Xterm, Shell, Terminal, Command Prompt, or similar. If your computer leaves you with a text screen after starting up, you probably already have a command shell.
- Type /sbin/ifconfig -a at the shell prompt, then press Enter.
- Note: If you see an error message to the effect of "permission denied", then instead enter su -c "/sbin/ifconfig -a" at the shell prompt, and enter the password for the "root" user if asked for it.
- The window will now display the configuration of all of your network adapters. If you have multiple network adapters in your computer you'll see multiple addresses.
- Now look for the HWAddr of any of the network adapters. It should look something like 00:35:CE:F5:AB:56.
Mac OS X Platform
- Open 'System Preferences' (usually found in the Dock) and select Network. Pick a location and specify the interface whose MAC address is desired in the Show: drop down list. For 'Built-in Ethernet', select the Ethernet tab. Read the MAC address labeled 'Ethernet ID:'. It should look something like 00:35:CE:F5:AB:56.