Alessandro Alinone IG Group ( have deployed Lightstreamer on their sites to provide their customers with live data. Some of their publicly visible applications include: IG Index ( - financial spread betting IG Markets ( - CFD & FX trading extrabet ( - fixed-odds betting ( - spread betting and fixed odds
MKachroo They seem to provide quotes based on the individual user setting. It seemed to me that with lightstream one can have only one generic price stream that will get broadcasted to all the clients connected to that server. Can different clients connect to the same lightstream server and get a different price feed? Client Connects --> LightStream --> socket to remoteapp with client credentials that provides Price specific to his settings and the same get passed to that specific client.
Alessandro Alinone Yes, Lightstreamer can absolutely stream specific data to individual users. To do that, each user will subscribe to their own unique items. Furthermore, the Metadata Adapter will enforce the user/item association, so that a user cannot subscribe to the items destined to another user.
MKachroo The scenario i am talking about is as under The Items that all clients get is same The data/values for the above items is different for different users based on their profile/settings. So if some users have the same Profile/settings then their data will be same but if they different settings then they will see different data/values for the items. How do we setup lightstreamer to handle the above requirement.
Mone Data in lightstreamer is organized in items and fields. You can organize your application so that each user subscribes to a different set of items and fields on the basis of his configuration.
Dario Crivelli Moreover, your client page may not need to know the user details. The page could subscribe to a generic item name (for instance: "personal_data"), and the Metadata Adapter would have a chance to rectify the item name, based on user profile information, to a specific name (for instance: "premium_user_data") (see "getItems"). In any case, this requires that your Data Adapter accepts subscriptions for all the possible specific item names, corresponding to different kinds of users. Note that this may imply some redundancy, as some updates may need to be supplied to multiple of these user-kind-related items.
Alessandro Alinone Another option is to use the customizeUpdate method in the Metadata Adapter. This allows you to customize the contents of each event based on the user identity.