I have 2 question:
1) Are the calls to the subscribe/unsubscribe (not the same item) can be called by the LS server simultaneously ?
i mean, do i need to be worry about concurrency issues in this events ? or the events are called only after the previous event is returned ?
2) On the same item, do LS server guarantees that that the order of events is always subscribe/unsubscribe ?
Thank you very much
Giuseppe Corti
Hi Guy,
In the current implementation of the .Net Adapter library the calls to Subscribe / Unsubscribe, even on different Items, are sequenced, and the next call is expected to wait for return of previous one.
But please note that this behavior is not guaranteed by the interface specifications. For example, the java inprocess library in these circumstances runs parallel threads. Thus we do not exclude that in the future the .Net library will conform to this approach in order to achieve better performances.
However, on the same Item, the Lightstreamer server guarantees that that the order of events is always subscribe and then unsubscribe.
Giuseppe Corti
I have to follow up on this thread and correct my previous post.
Indeed, in the current implementation of .Net Adapter library the calls to Subscribe and Unsubscribe are already fully concurrent on different threads. This only applies to requests concerning different Items, while for requests on the same Item the correct sequence is guaranteed.
I apologize for my mistake.