Alessandro Alinone Tim, In the future we will officially release the source code of thr RSS demo, after revising it. In the meanwhile, you can get it "as is" from a temporary link: Cheers, Alessandro
Alessandro Alinone The temporary zip file with the source code has been deleted, as we are not actively maintaining it. If anybody is interested to be involved in an open-source project aimed at releasing a news reader based in Lightstreamer, we will be happy to contribute with that unmaintained code as a starting point. Thanks Alessandro
Alessandro Alinone MGM, Please contact to request the unmaintained source code of the RSS Demo. Thanks, Alessandro
mgm4161 Hi , could provide the simple example using "DynaScrollTable" or where can i get the example. Thanks in advance -MGM-
Dario Crivelli Do you mean examples of uses of a DynaScrollTable other than the RSS demo? Among the demos included in the distribution package, the Chat, Messenger and Monitor demos all use DynaScrollTable.