Hi All,
I have written my test Adapter and have got a web page subscribing to the updates.
I wanted to know how LS handle multiple components on the same page requesting the same items? Do it open multiple channels???
e.g. if multiple JS components on the page do the following, what is going to happen?
var schema = new Array("field1","field2","field3","lastUpdate");
var group = new Array("item1","item2");
var newTable = new NonVisualTable(group, schema, "MERGE");
newTable.onItemUpdate = updateFunction;
page.addTable(newTable, "myItems");
Dario Crivelli
If multiple tables are defined on the same page (or on different pages that refer to the same Engine),
there is one socket connection kept open where data for all tables are received.
In case the same item is mentioned twice in different tables (or even in the same table),
no optimization is performed and the updates for the item are received twice, once for each subscription instance.
Note that the two subscription instances may have different schemas or different subscription options.
Note that, if filtering is allowed for the two subscription instances, even with the same options,
it is possible that filtering is applied in a sligthly different way for the two subscription instances.