I found this error with some clients trying to connect to the lightstreamer :
Lightstreamer.DotNet.Client.SubscrException: Connection closed
at Lightstreamer.DotNet.Client.LSClient.get_ConnManager()
at Lightstreamer.DotNet.Client.LSClient.SubscribeTable(SimpleTableInfo table, IHandyTableListener listener, Boolean commandLogic)
at (Object , SimpleTableInfo , IHandyTableListener , Boolean )
i suppose that the client can not connect to the port 8080, and if the client installed iis or using 8080 what to do then.
I'm not sure I understand your issue, the client side port is not the same as the server side port (a client can have something listening on port 8080 and still be able to connect to a server listening to port 8080).
In any case you can configure the port you want your server to listen to by editing the LS_HOME/conf/lightstreamer_conf.xml file
We usually suggest to use port 80.