We have node js implementation and we are evaluating LightStreamer for chat and real time data distribution
we installed demo on aws form your provided aws image
based on remote Node js chat adaptor the following lines
HOST = 'xx.xx.xx.xx',
WRITE_PORT = 8002,
META_PORT = 8003,
can we assume LighStream and node server can be separated? I mean different server. when we setup in different machines log of Light Stream server like the following
29.Sep.14 15:56:24,899 < INFO> Loading Metadata Adapter PROXY_NODECHAT
29.Sep.14 15:56:24,899 < INFO> Loading Data Adapter PROXY_NODECHAT.CHAT_ROOM
29.Sep.14 15:56:24,907 < INFO> Finished loading Data Adapter PROXY_NODECHAT.CHAT_ROOM
29.Sep.14 15:56:24,910 < INFO> Loading inner Proxy Data Adapter
29.Sep.14 15:56:24,930 < INFO> Connecting...
29.Sep.14 15:56:24,936 < INFO> Waiting for a connection on port 8002...
29.Sep.14 15:56:24,938 < INFO> Waiting for a connection on port 8001...
29.Sep.14 15:56:24,942 < INFO> Connecting inner Proxy Metadata Adapter
29.Sep.14 15:56:24,943 < INFO> Connecting...
29.Sep.14 15:56:24,943 < INFO> Waiting for a connection on port 8003...
and client is not working throwing the following error
WebSocket connection to 'ws://xx.xx.xx.xx/lightstreamer' failed: Error during WebSocket handshake: Unexpected response code: 200 lightstreamer.js:176
i couldn't find clear information about separated architecture how can I reach more information about the subject
Burak Tugan
Yes you can run the remote adapter on a different machine.
From the log you show it looks like the remote node adapter was not yet attached to the lightstreamer server. Was the node adapter running at that moment? Did you get any error when running the node adapter?
The client is getting that error because when it tries to connect to the server, Lightstreamer is not yet listening as it is still waiting for the remote adapter to startup. So, as per now, ignore the client error and concentrate on the adapter/server connection.