fimmu Hi, I am new to lightstreamer and have some issue when testing the .Net version of Stock list demo.
Hi fimmu
I see a few places I need to make changes but not quite sure what I do is correct:
1. In adaptor.xml
<adapters_conf id="STOCKLISTDEMO_REMOTE">.
This needs to be the same in client
var lsClient = new LightstreamerClient(hostToUse,"STOCKLISTDEMO_REMOTE");
Right (please note that the correct file name is "adapters.xml").
2. In adaptor.xml
<data_provider name="QUOTE_ADAPTER">
finds its mapping in client
3. in client
lsClient.connectionSharing.enableSharing("RemoteStockListConnection", "ATTACH", "CREATE");
Does "RemoteStockListConnection" needs to correspond to something in somewhere else?
That's correct. "RemoteStockListConnection" is just a unique name in the client application, used to make different LightStreamerClient instances share the same connection, and not related to any particular configuration. You can find more details
4. I put the adaptor/feed in one project and the launcher in another but them in one solution. Then I find many files in the debug folder as a result of building from sources. It looks like these files are similar to those in the deployment folder. I think the bat file is added later.
in the custom bat file the command:
start "StockListDemoRemoteAdapters" /MIN DotNetStockListDemoLauncher_N2 /host localhost /data_rrport 6661 /data_notifport 6662 /metadata_rrport 6663 max_bandwidth=40 max_frequency=3 buffer_size=30
What does "StockListDemoRemoteAdapters" correspond to?
Does "DotNetStockListDemoLauncher_N2" mean "DotNetStockListDemoLauncher_N2.exe"?
"StockListDemoRemoteAdapters" is just a parameter for the "start" command to specify the window title.
"DotNetStockListDemoLauncher_N2" means exactly what you said, the executable file name.
I put move the stocklist_socket folder under deployment_LS into lightstreamer/adaptor
made changes in the client as above, and start the custom launcher bat then the lightstreamer server bat
Other than what I listed above, anything else I need to make changes to make it work?
Could you please describe with more details the issues you are facing with this demo? What is going wrong exactly?
You can also find further information looking at this
document, as well at the
GitHub repository for the adapter demo.