Dears Support Team,
I am working in development of real time data system that uses lightstreamer server to transmit real time data from stock market RDA Adapters and in client data is displayed using real time data grid view.
Customers need to select some data rows from displayed data, copy them and paste to Excel sheet, then the data is updated in excel sheet as in client application.
- I tried to install the
RTDLibraryExcelDemoSetup_local.msi and it works fine while connecting to lightstreamer server
- I downloaded the
StockList-client-rtd-master source code and followed the steps described in the demo to build my own dll that connects to our light streamer server and subscribes to some items that has been pushed using our adapter to update Excel clients with these Items' data but it not working and N/A is displayed in Excel Sheets
the implementation is performed as following
Client- Side:
- the user selects some rows and paste them into excel sheet then the formula of each cell as the following print screens
formula of first cell

formula of each cell looks like
RTD Server Side:
modifications performed are :
internal const string RTD_PROG_ID = ""
- guid attributes has been added to RtdServer class
internal const string RTD_PROG_ID = ""
- build properties adjusted to register the dll after every successful build and make Assembly COM Visible
-@ LightstreamerClient class
added methods to call a service to get some stock data from Database and use that data to subscribe to our lightstreamer server and method
public void AddSubcribe(string[] items, string[] fields)
to subscribe and get data from our lightstreamer server.
Please advice me if there any mistakes i performed or missed steps to do.
Thanks in advance,