I recently observed a weird behaviour with LSProxy.
At the beginning, the session stalled.
So the LSProxy tried to reconnect and it seems like a new session is succesfully started.
The strange behaviour is when I receive updates during this new session: for each update received, there are a lot of logs that are outputted and this pattern keeps continuing.
2015-08-31 17:24:23.269 DEBUG 1360 --- [Lightstreamer listening thread] com.lightstreamer.ls_client.protocol : Request successful
2015-08-31 17:24:23.269 DEBUG 1360 --- [Lightstreamer listening thread] com.lightstreamer.ls_client.protocol : Reading stream connection info
2015-08-31 17:24:23.271 DEBUG 1360 --- [Lightstreamer listening thread] com.lightstreamer.ls_client.session : Rebind successful on session S**********************2
2015-08-31 17:24:23.271 TRACE 1360 --- [Lightstreamer listening thread] f.r.ig.common.AbstractStreamingClient : New update for ITEM1
2015-08-31 17:24:23.271 DEBUG 1360 --- [Lightstreamer listening thread] com.lightstreamer.ls_client.protocol : Got notification for response content length reached
2015-08-31 17:24:23.271 DEBUG 1360 --- [Lightstreamer listening thread] com.lightstreamer.ls_client.session : Rebinding session S**********************2
2015-08-31 17:24:23.271 DEBUG 1360 --- [Lightstreamer listening thread] com.lightstreamer.ls_client.protocol : Opening stream connection to rebind current session
Even though the log lines level is not critical, it seems like something odd.
What are the meaning of this logs and do they affect the streaming in any way?