some time I am facing following exception on closing client by killing client in metadataAdapter
Exception in thread "TIMER FOR PUMPS PARKING DESTROYER" java.lang.NullPointerException
at com.iontrading.lightstreamer.dataadapter.MixedMetadataAdapter.notifySessionClose(
and i think because of this exception I am not getting unsubscription call at dataAdapter
Please let me know the reason of this exception
Dario Crivelli
The exception stack information reports a custom class, hence the exception is internal to the Metadata Adapter and occurs during the invocation of the custom notifySessionClose callback, which is outside our scope.
So, I can't confirm your assumption about unsubscriptions, as the exception occurs after all the housekeeping operations related to session closing have been accomplished.
An exception occurring at that stage should also not affect further operation by the "TIMER FOR PUMPS PARKING DESTROYER" thread.
If you notice that unsubscriptions don't occur when you expect them, please collect some log of the subscription lifecycle. It is produced by the "LightstreamerLogger.subscriptions" logger at DEBUG level. Unfortunately, this log is quite huge, as it includes the update events.