@lxnay, Wrote: Just a question and a request, if possible.
Question: what do you mean with "I've changed this and added some login credentials to the LightstreamerClient.Start method so that it should successfully connect to our Lightstreamer server". What login credentials? Are you talking about HTTP AUTH? Can I have a code snippet that shows how you did that? Are you running behind a proxy? Please note anyway that all this is outside the scope of our, very simplified demo.
Request: Could I have a diff between the demo code and your changes, or alternatively, could you attach your code here?
Changed in rtdserver.cs
private const string pushServerHost = "http://ourhostname.here";
// port, if different from 80
private const string pushServerPort = "80";
Changed in LightstraemerClient.CS:Start(string pushServerUrl)
// Added login credentials
connInfo.User = "myUsername";
connInfo.Password = "myPassword";
I've added some output to RtdServer.cs:ServerStart(IRTDUpdateEvent CallbackObject) to verify the url it is using to instantiate the connection as well as when it passes - we never reach "Exited Connection".
flowForm.AppendExcelLog("Connecting to " + pushServerUrl);
new ThreadStart(delegate() { lsClient.Start(pushServerUrl); }).Invoke();
flowForm.AppendExcelLog("Exited Connection");
We are not running behind any sort of proxy. All I am trying to do is get the RTD demo to connect to our lightstreamer server as it says it should be able to right in the README.
Obviously you could test the application against your Lightstreamer server
installed somewhere, but in this case, you have to recompile the source code
after having changed "pushServerHost" and "pushServerPort" variables in
This is where the issue comes in to play. I don't see a single packet headed towards our server at all in wireshark, despite it seemingly being as simple as changing the host/port configuration and recompiling. The GUI launches fine and it says it's connecting to the appropriate host/port but I see no traffic in wireshark backing this up.
If you'd like to supply an email I can email the 2 changed files if you would like to see the full source. The only changes are detailed above though.