I know the web client library currently has a limitation that you can only access one adapter per push page, does this apply to your other client libraries, in particular J2SE and .NET ???
Hi Waddy,
Yes it is. The limitation is on Lightstreamer's protocol so every client connecting to Lightstreamer suffers this limitation. To get data from 2 different adapters you have to open 2 connections.
We are planning to remove this limitation, but I'm not able to say when we will work on that.
Alessandro Alinone
Currently each push session can be bound to a Data Adapter only. A future version of Lightstreamer will allow multiple Data Adapters to be used by the same push session. In the meanwhile, it is possible to develop a very simple Proxy Adapter that replicates the Lightstreamer Server interface and routes the subscription requests to multiple Data Adapters based on some naming convention for the items.