i am having problems deploying proxy helloworld on a different webserver other than lightstream server
when i deploy it on LS server it works fine, but when i move it to different webserver its not working. when i look into firebug , there are some 404 for ajax_frame.html and create_session.js.
can you please help?
please check the LS_HOME/pages/demos/HOW_TO_DEPLOY_ON_YOUR_WEB_SERVER.TXT file that explains how to configure a web application to run from an external web server
I followed the steps, it works for other samples but not the hello world sample :Smile_Ac:
try to compare PushPage and LightstreamerEngine configurations in the two cases; you should find some differences.
Is it possible that setLSHost and/or setLSPort are not configured correctly?
If in trouble post here the hello world code you adapted so that I can take a look.