Lightstreamer Server features JMX support (see the javadoc-style documentation for details).
In Vivace edition, this allows for remote management and monitoring. In the other editions, only remote shutdown is allowed.
Lightstreamer's own JMX agent can be accessed from
jconsole by attaching through the RMI connector as a "Remote Process".
With the factory configuration (see <rmi_connector> in the Server configuration file), the URL to be used is:
(note that the factory configuration also sets user credentials).
The JVM's default JMX agent, which supplies the JVM "platform mbeans", is also exposed through the RMI connector and under the same credentials; it is available in any edition.
With the factory configuration, the URL to be used from
jconsole is:
The JVM's default JMX agent is also exposed by the JVM directly. It can be easily accessed from
jconsole locally, by attaching to Lightstreamer JVM as a "Local Process".
If the Server is running on a remote host, Lightstreamer's own JMX agent and the JVM's default JMX agent can be accessed from
jconsole in a similar way,
provided that access to the agent from a different host is allowed. This can be achieved by adding something like
to the <rmi_connector> configuration.
In addition, access from the host running
jconsole to the host running Lightstreamer Server has to be enabled on the firewall for the ports needed for the communication;
this involves the port used for the RMI registry (the <port> element in the configuration) and the port used by the connector (the <data_port> element in the configuration).
With the factory configuration, port 8888 is used for both tasks.
Then, with the factory configuration, the URLs to be used from
jconsole are:
(remember that the factory configuration also sets user credentials).
If the Server is running as a service under Windows, security issues may prevent the access to the JVM's default JMX agent as a "Local Process".
However, the agent can still be accessed through Lightstreamer's RMI connector with the same configuration needed for remote access.