Hi flybyGWT,
Yes, you are right, I have tried to add the gwtQuery to our
GWT StockList Demo and indeed, it stopped working.
But with a couple of tweaks it resumes to work again, in detail the steps that I followed are these:
1. Change the style for the Lighstreamer JavaScript library in use. You can build a suitable lightstreamer.js file from the
online generator.
In that case be sure to include the LightstreamerClient, Subscription, and any other class used in your app and to flag the "Use namespaced globals" option.
2. In the source code of the Demo, every time a object of the Lightstreamer library should be instantiated add the prefix "$wnd.Lightstreamer.". For example:
[SYNTAX=JSCRIPT]var client = new $wnd.Lightstreamer.LightstreamerClient();[/SYNTAX]
3. Recompile the sources and run the application.
Please get back to me for any further explaination.