Giuseppe thx for the reply I double-check the paths and they were OK, I remove
@echo off
and try to run the server again and this is what appeared on console:
C:\Lightstreamer\bin\windows>call LS.bat run
C:\Lightstreamer\bin\windows>if "Windows_NT" == "Windows_NT" setlocal
C:\Lightstreamer\bin\windows>rem ===============================================
C:\Lightstreamer\bin\windows>rem === CHECK THIS OUT
C:\Lightstreamer\bin\windows>rem ===============================================
C:\Lightstreamer\bin\windows>rem JAVA_HOME must point to your Java Development K
it installation
C:\Lightstreamer\bin\windows>set JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0
C:\Lightstreamer\bin\windows>rem ===============================================
C:\Lightstreamer\bin\windows>rem === CHECK THIS OUT
C:\Lightstreamer\bin\windows>rem ===============================================
C:\Lightstreamer\bin\windows>rem JAVA_OPTS should contain any Java Virtual Machi
ne options. Here are some tips:
C:\Lightstreamer\bin\windows>rem 1) Always use the "-server" option.
C:\Lightstreamer\bin\windows>rem 2) Give more RAM to the server process, especia
lly with heavy traffic, by specifying a min and max "heap"
C:\Lightstreamer\bin\windows>rem E.g.: If you have 4 GB and the box is dedica
ted to Lightstreamer, you might set 1 GB min heap and 3 GB max
C:\Lightstreamer\bin\windows>rem heap with these options: "-Xms1G -Xmx3G"
C:\Lightstreamer\bin\windows>rem 3) Choose a better "garbage collector" if you w
ant to reduce latency. An option that often gives good results is:
C:\Lightstreamer\bin\windows>rem "-XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC". If you are using
Java 7 (apart from early versions) or later, you might prefer to try:
C:\Lightstreamer\bin\windows>rem "-XX:+UseG1GC". Many other tuning options ar
e available (please see Oracle docs).
C:\Lightstreamer\bin\windows>set JAVA_OPTS=-server
C:\Lightstreamer\bin\windows>rem -----------------------------------------------
C:\Lightstreamer\bin\windows>echo Java environment:
Java environment:
C:\Lightstreamer\bin\windows>echo JAVA_HOME = C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0
JAVA_HOME = C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0
C:\Lightstreamer\bin\windows>echo JAVA_OPTS = -server
JAVA_OPTS = -server
C:\Lightstreamer\bin\windows>rem LS_HOME takes the current directory of LS.bat a
nd goes up two dirs
C:\Lightstreamer\bin\windows>set LS_HOME=C:\Lightstreamer
C:\Lightstreamer\bin\windows>echo Lightstreamer Server directory:
Lightstreamer Server directory:
C:\Lightstreamer\bin\windows>echo LS_HOME = C:\Lightstreamer
LS_HOME = C:\Lightstreamer
C:\Lightstreamer\bin\windows>if ""run"" == ""run"" goto doStart
C:\Lightstreamer\bin\windows>echo Starting Lightstreamer Server...
Starting Lightstreamer Server...
C:\Lightstreamer\bin\windows>echo Please check logs for detailed information.
Please check logs for detailed information.
C:\Lightstreamer\bin\windows>set class=com.lightstreamer.LS
C:\Lightstreamer\bin\windows>goto doLaunch
C:\Lightstreamer\bin\windows>rem Configuration file
C:\Lightstreamer\bin\windows>set args="C:\Lightstreamer\conf\lightstreamer_conf.
C:\Lightstreamer\bin\windows>rem Classpath
C:\Lightstreamer\bin\windows>set cpath="C:\Lightstreamer\lib\lightstreamer.jar";
C:\Lightstreamer\bin\windows>rem Launch command
C:\Lightstreamer\bin\windows>set command="C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0\bin\jav
a.exe" -server -cp "C:\Lightstreamer\lib\lightstreamer.jar";"C:\Lightstreamer\li
mer\lib\*" com.lightstreamer.LS "C:\Lightstreamer\conf\lightstreamer_conf.xml"
C:\Lightstreamer\bin\windows>set minimal_command="C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0
\bin\java.exe" -cp "C:\Lightstreamer\lib\lightstreamer.jar";"C:\Lightstreamer\li
mer\lib\*" com.lightstreamer.LS "C:\Lightstreamer\conf\lightstreamer_conf.xml"
C:\Lightstreamer\bin\windows>if ""run"" == ""run"" goto doForeground
C:\Lightstreamer\bin\windows>rem leave control to command
[COLOR=#ff0000]C:\Lightstreamer\bin\windows>"C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0\bin\java.exe" -serv
er -cp "C:\Lightstreamer\lib\lightstreamer.jar";"C:\Lightstreamer\lib\ls-adapter
-interface.jar";"C:\Lightstreamer\lib\ls-monitor.jar";"C:\Lightstreamer\lib\*" c
om.lightstreamer.LS "C:\Lightstreamer\conf\lightstreamer_conf.xml"
El sistema no puede encontrar la ruta especificada.[/COLOR]
C:\Lightstreamer\bin\windows>goto end
Presione una tecla para continuar . . .
Any thoughts about the red part?
thx for your time...
Giuseppe Corti Hi Noah,
Usally the "The system can not find the specified path" message refers to the JAVA_HOME variable set in LS.bat that is not a valid path for your machine.
Please double-check if you can reach the paths set in the JAVA_HOME and LS_HOME variables at the beginning of the script.
If the JAVA_HOME and LS_HOME are ok, please remove from the LS.bat script this line
@echo off
and retry. We should get some further info about the issue.