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Client API
Looking for a Go implementation
Help reading ISS live telemetry data from lightstreamer on ESP32/ESP8266
Lightstreamer and Python connecting to IG Markets
Error in Lightstreamer Android Client: network.error with tryRecovery=true
server mismatch Recovery
Log Heartbeats
Difficulties with building the cpp lightstreamer client
Exception handling when migrating from java SE client version 2.5.2 to 5.0.0
Python Client - ItemUpdate.getValue() method very slow to retrieve value
Invalid Handshake over WS
Unsupported protocol version: 2.5.0
IG connection error - CONERR,-2,A system error occurred.
Android Client SDK close on session
receiving error code 61 and error message "Expected 1 items but got 2"on swift client
The session will be closed. Cause: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Unexpected call o
Trying to raise a subscription with IG but keep getting errors
Struggling to connect via Python using a demo IG account
Getting to Status DISCONNECTED
Connecting to backup source multithreading
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